
American Vaudeville 1880-1930

A Companion Lobby Exhibition

The companion lobby exhibition, "American Vaudeville 1880-1930" is available for display in conjunction with the presentation of "A Vaudeville Retrospective" or its related programs.

The portable exhibition amplifies on presentation content, and is comprised of five connected display panels (each 2' wide x 7' high) plus a vaudevillian's upright wardrobe trunk (44" high x 18" x 22" when closed) filled with artifacts and reproductions for hands-on inspection. Panel text and graphics include: (1) Vaudeville Defined; (2) The Early Years, (3) The Peak Years, (4) Changing Times, and (5) The Vaudevillian - The Trouper's Lifestyle. Also included are parallel time lines of vaudeville history and U.S./world history. (Take a closer look.)

The open wardrobe trunk invites visitors to "Look, Touch, and Read." Props include authentic and reproduction vaudeville-era juggling clubs, ukulele, dancing shoes, and wardrobe items. Some artifacts are secure under plexiglass, others are "please touch" props. Leaning on the trunk (securely bolted) is a vintage 6-foot-high chain-driven giraffe unicyle. Reproduction printed ephemera for hands-on inspection include show programs, theatre rules, railroad schedules, trade magazines, contracts, and promotional materials. The vaudevillian's daily life is not forgotten --- the trunk includes items typical to the traveler of the time.

Requirements: 10'-long display space along one wall --- or angled at a corner; access to 110v electricity (for optional audio); general lighting; security. (Contact the presenter directly for further information about how the exhibition can work in your specific space.)